P.U.R.S.E. Foundation Inc. addresses the questions “What Are You Carrying?” As an organization, we know there are women who carry many things in which directly affect their children and in our efforts to help, the P.U.R.S.E. Foundation goal is to be a voice for the voiceless and an outlet. One of the ways we impact the lives of women and children is being a constant face at shelters and within the community provided much needed support of meals, clothing and giving hope.
Often teens who have or are experiencing abuse from a dating partner goes unreported, simply because some teens may view hitting or jealousy as a form a love. Teen Dating Violence awareness & prevention education is needed to see a decline in domestic violence rates or it will continue to be a never-ending cycle. Throughout our work with young people we have learned from our survey results some teens were not aware the behavior they exuded towards their dating partner was considered dating violence.